AIAWHV 2025 Latinos in Architecture
Únase a nosotros para conectarse y establecer contactos con otros arquitectos.
Date: April 24, 2025
Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Venue: Zoom
Price: FREE, Registration Required.
AIA Westchester + Hudson Valley Latinos en Arquitectura es promover, informar y enriquecer acerca de la cultura latina – por medio de la arquitectura, arte, cocina, música e idioma – enriqueciendo la comunidad de arquitectura, y brindar oportunidades de desarrollo professional.
AIA Westchester + Hudson Valley Latinos in Architecture aims to promote, inform, and enrich the understanding of Latino culture through architecture, art, cuisine, music, and language, enriching the architecture community and providing professional development opportunities.
Connect and network with fellow AIAWHV members!