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AIA W+HV Greenposium

AIA W+HV Greenposium Committee

presents the

Virtual Greenposium Event!

Date: Friday, April 1, 2022
Time:  9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Price: AIA Members $45/ Assoc AIA $20 / Non members $75 / Students $5

Credits: 6 CE Credits
Donations: Supporting College Scholarships
Platform:  Zoom

Join us on April 1st for our virtual AIA W+HV Greenposium! It will be a full day event dedicated to presentations by a wide-range of experts in the Sustainability field along with exciting slide presentations,10 x 20 Exhibition, by our chapter members!

The 10 x 20 Exhibition will be a slide style, fast-paced, highly visual presentation of 10 slides. You have 20 seconds of commentary per slide and that’s it! Simple. Engaging. Fun. Fostering Authentic Connections.


  • Tell us what you are passionate about.

  • This is an open and competitive process. All AIA members and Greenposium participants are welcome and encouraged to apply.

AIA W+HV Greenposium Committee is accepting slide proposals to be submitted by March 17, 2022. Please fill out the form below.

Applicants will be notified by March 24, 2022 with further information by the AIA W+HV Greenposium Committee.




About the Speakers

Chris Neidl is a co-founder of OpenAir, a global volunteer collective launched in 2019 to advance carbon dioxide removal (CDR) through member-driven advocacy. In this role, Chris has helped lead advocacy efforts at the state level related to low carbon concrete procurement policy, including the Low Embodied Carbon Concrete Leadership Act (LECCLA), as well as carbon removal procurement and incentives, including the New York Carbon Dioxide Removal Leadership Act, the NY Carbon City Property Tax Abatement Act, and the Luxembourg Negative Emissions Tariff. Chris came to CDR and low carbon concrete from a fifteen-year career in solar energy, which spanned diverse research, activist and project management roles in North America, South Asia, Afghanistan and East Africa. Chris is an upstate New York native and long-time Brooklyn resident currently based in Puntarenas, Costa Rica.


Patrick M. O'Shei is the Director of Market Development at NYSERDA, where he has been since 2010. Patrick is a key developer of the NYS Carbon Neutral Building roadmap which outlines NY’s plan for decarbonizing its building stock under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. Patrick is responsible for ensuring the successful design and execution of clean energy market strategies for existing Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Buildings as well as Building Codes and New Construction in all markets. He is also responsible for NYSERDA Prop-tech and B2B E-Commerce efforts including the REBNY/NYSERDA PropTech Challenge.


Tom Phillips is a consultant on healthy, sustainable buildings at Healthy Building Research, Davis, California, and a visiting researcher at the California Department of Public Health. He has focused on climate resilience, adaptation, and mitigation in buildings and communities since 2011, especially on extreme heat, health, and productivity.


Wyatt Roberts is Head of Channel Development for Dandelion Energy. He is a builder and a building scientist and is passionate about reducing the impact of our built world on the global environment. Dandelion Energy is committed to freeing homes from fossil fuels through the adoption of geothermal HVAC systems. Wyatt works with partners across a variety of sectors to better understand, design, and deploy geothermal in all of our buildings.


Zack Semke is the Director of Passive House Accelerator, a member of Al Gore's Climate Reality Leadership Corps, and a co-founder of Shift Zero in Washington State. His goal is to accelerate the transition to healthy, zero emissions buildings for everyone.


Gretchen Worth is the director of the Susan Christopherson Center for Community Planning, which supports New York State communities in their efforts to achieve a more equitable, climate-resilient built environment. Gretchen and the Christopherson Center are founding partners of CR0WD (Circularity, Reuse, Zero Waste Development), a collaborative network of architects, planners, preservationists, contractors and reuse professionals who advocate for deconstruction and reuse of building materials rather than demolition and creation of landfill waste.


Thank you to our Generous Sponsors!