be part of the building community
Interested in serving on the AIAWHV
Board of Directors?
To apply for a position, read the documents below and fill out the application.
Send completed application and any questions to
The AIA Westchester + Westchester Hudson Valley Board of Directors are voted in during the September Annual Meeting by the general membership. The nominations committee presents the candidates to the members 30 days prior to the annual meeting and candidates may come off the floor. Term runs from January to December.
Officers (President, President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary) all serve on the Executive Committee (EXCOM) and serve one year term, have voting rights.
Directors (5) have voting rights and serve a three year term
Associate Directors (2) have voting rights and serve a three year term..
Past President (1) has voting rights and serves one year term.
Executive Director - non voting
General Council (1) - non voting and is appointed by the Board of Directors.
AIANYS State Director (1) is elected by the Board of Directors and serves a two year term on the AIANYS Board of Directors.
In accordance with the AIA Westchester + Hudson Valley By Laws.